Tips on Preparing the Work Site for Concrete Suppliers
by TRP Ready Mix on August 30, 2016
Having concrete poured at home is always going to require the help of professional concrete suppliers if you don’t have enough knowledge on how to perform the task or even if you have too large of an area to pour concrete into. There are a few steps to take before the actual concrete can be poured and preparing the area for the concrete before the concrete contractors arrive will not only save a lot of precious time, but it will also help you save some money as well. Knowing how to prepare an area for concrete ahead of time is simple and with a bit of DIY skills you will be able to prepare the area fully before the concrete contractors arrive with their concrete pouring trucks.
The first thing you will need to do in order to prepare the area for concrete to be poured is to figure out the exact area. This will require you to place flags or sticks in the ground at the corners so that you can use them as references to know where the concrete contractors will be pouring the concrete. Make the flags or sticks visible from a short distance so that they can’t be missed. The next thing you will want to do in order to prepare the area for the concrete to be poured is to level the ground. When pouring concrete outdoors you will want the ground to be as level as possible in order to make the job easier and more efficient. Although the concrete contractors can perform these tasks for you, you will definitely find it beneficial if you do it yourself ahead of time.
In order to level the ground you will need to either buy or rent a ground leveler. This often comes with a laser leveling tool which is the easiest method to figure out how to level the ground effectively. In order to level the ground before the concrete contractors arrive, you will need to either dig to make the area level or add more dirt, gravel or sand to the area. You will probably need the help of a friend to help level the ground with one person using the leveler tool and the other person actually leveling the ground. In order to make the process of leveling the ground easier to accomplish you will want to take a string and pass it through each one of the sticks that you placed on the ground. This will serve both you and the concrete contractors in order to easily view where the ground slops.
Making sure that there area where you are pouring the concrete does not have a drain nearby will assure you that the concrete will dry perfectly. If water is constantly falling from a drain onto the concrete, it could cause the concrete to dry with holes in it. Also, make sure that you call qualified concrete contractors like those who work for TRP Ready Mix in order to be sure to have the job well done. It is also vital that you are sure it won’t rain on the day that the concrete is poured in order to avoid having to repair it later on.