Blog Archives

Concrete Artistry: Exploring Creative Uses of ReadyMix

by rabije on June 16, 2024

Often, when we think about concrete, it’s in terms of construction, building or renovations. It’s all about foundations, walls, or driveways. But did you know that concrete is also a fabulous medium for artistic expression? Concrete, with its versatility and durability, has immense potential for artists and creative designers. Its adaptability allows for an impressive […]

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Concrete in Home Decor: The Rise of Industrial Chic

by TRP Ready Mix on January 15, 2024

Understanding the Industrial Chic Aesthetic Embarking on the journey of home decor, have you ever stopped to marvel at the raw, edgy vibe of industrial chic? This style, once confined to loft apartments and commercial spaces, is now making a bold statement in homes just like yours. Industrial chic is all about exposing and celebrating […]

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5 Things To Ask Your Concrete Supplier

by TRP Ready Mix on March 20, 2022

How To Save Money With Your Next Project Did you know that, according to Research and Markets, Canada’s construction market grew faster than it was expected to in 2021? The growth ended up being 6.5% instead of 2.5%. This was attributed to a residential construction boom and growth that was stronger than expected in the […]

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A Concrete Calculator Isn’t the Only Way

by TRP Ready Mix on August 6, 2016

When starting any project, the amount of ready mixed concrete you’re using is extremely important. Depending on the size of your job, ordering the wrong amount of concrete can be incredibly detrimental. Order too much concrete and you’ll incur costs that you normally wouldn’t have budgeted for. You’ll also have to go through the hassle […]

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